We have probably all experienced an awkward conversation at some point in our lives…
Whether it be with your parents, friends, family, or even a stranger.
Furthermore, when it comes to a conversation where confrontation is involved things can get quite difficult. It is hard to confront someone, especially in the midst of addiction…
Addicts are not typically open to suggestions and they definitely don’t want to be told they have a problem and need help. Usually, they will quickly deny the accusations and become angry with you.
However, that does not mean that if you have a close friend who is suffering from alcoholism that you should avoid confronting them. After all, as a good friend, your job is to keep them in check.
But, there are a few differences when confronting an alcoholic compared to just confronting the average person.
It takes great preparation, caution, and compassion to appropriately address the situation.
If you are looking to confront your friend about their alcoholism and want the conversation to be as successful as it can be, keep these few tips in mind:
- You are not responsible for their reaction.Regardless of the outcome, just remember they are their own person and you do not control how they respond to you. If they get mad, that is on them – not you.If they have an addiction, they are most likely in the denial stage and unfortunately there is only so much you can do to help them. You cannot force them to change.Start by just talking to them and addressing the issue. But, be compassionate, open-minded and gentle as they will probably have an adverse reaction.
- Know your stuff.Before you ever say one word to them about it, do your research. People are much more inclined to listen to you when they feel you are knowledgeable on the subject.Especially with an addict, the first reaction is typically that you don’t understand. While you might not ever be able to understand first hand, you can at least be well-versed in the subject.This will also help prepare you for if they do ask questions and also give you the means to be prepared for when they are ready to accept the help.
- Maintain realistic expectations.No matter how bad you want to help your friend, don’t go into the conversation expecting them to just drop their addiction right there and never look back. The chances of that happening are slim to none. That just isn’t how addiction works.Instead, go in with an open mind knowing that it will likely take some time to see any real results.